Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blogger fumbles again. I'm gonna make them roll on the self inflicted damage chart.

Now I can't post comments on my own blog. I can comment on other blogs, and others can comment on my blog, but when I try to comment, I get stuck in this repeating loop of signing in, over and over.

Blogger says they're aware of the problem and are working on a fix.

This happening to anyone else?

Also, I wanted to say regarding the comments to my Stargate Universe post, I agree, Blueskreem. I hated the kinos and the communication stones too. The stones just became a crutch for the writers. They used them to write teeny drama on earth instead of sci-fi in space. The kinos just became another excuse for the shaky cam.

And Timeshadows, I would love to read whatever you have to say about Universe. Also, I thought Todd the Wraith was the single best antagonist on SGA. I always like those episodes where the SGA team is forced to work with Todd against their better judgement.

I figured we'd be sympatico on SGU, Dr Rotwang!

And Brutorz Bill, me too.


Trey said...

I had this problem all day today, too. Clearing my cookies and cache seems to have fixed it, though.

E.G.Palmer said...

I just checked blogger help, and one of the suggestions was to change comments to a pop up instead of below the post.

I just did so, did it work?

E.G.Palmer said...

Well, it appears so.

E.G.Palmer said...

Hmmm, I still can't comment on other blogs.

Timeshadows said...

--I hope you get that resolved.

When I get back from NTRPGCon, I'll see about the S:'99 v. SGU post.

William said...

I have been having Blogger trouble for days now, first it wouldn't let me sign in for most of an entire day, then today it ate a post.

Adam Dickstein said...

Had this issue yesterday. Then it fixed. Now I have it again.

WordPress anyone?

It's starting to look better and better...

Pontifex said...

Check out the latest post on my blog. I figured out how to trick blogger into letting you comment. :)

Mark Thomas said...

I've been running into this problem off and on for a while. Clearing cache and cookies seems to fix it. Mostly.