Friday, May 13, 2011

Did every one manage to Save VS Blog-Fumble?

I don't seem to have lost anything here, but some of the art blogs I like seem to have lost a post or two.

how about you guys?


  1. My posts are back, more or less, but with some glitches on the dates when things were scheduled to post.

  2. My computer was down at the time, so I wasn't posting to my blog anyways.

  3. I hadn't posted anything on the day of the blackout... but I WAS wondering why you guys were so quiet until I figured out what was going on. :)

  4. Two comments. They were table entries, too!

  5. I lost a post that took me a while to write, and unfortunately the draft that blogger has recovered is an earlier one. It wasn't a fun post to write the first time and I'm not sure I want to redo it, despite have some important mechanics in it. Argh.

  6. This whole thing has made me think a bit more about printing out hard copies of my best stuff from the blog. Probably rewriting and updating most of it as well.

    The internet blog thing has made a tremendous amount of great stuff available and it's awesome to make all these connections with my fellow gamers, but, I don't really trust its stability.
